Category Archive: Pet Photography

Pet Portrait: MinPin Rollo

Entered in this week’s challenge

Portrait: Min Pin Rollo is a Bears Fan | Evanston Photographer

Portrait: Min Pin Rollo | Evanston Photographer

This weekend I took this portrait of my husband and our 9-month-old Min Pin Rollo.

Portrait: Rollo says Happy 4th of July! | Evanston Photographer

Holiday greetings from my MinPin puppy!  

Portrait: Rollo |Evanston Photographer

My Min Pin puppy Rollo in the sun

Adventure: Springtime in Evanston | Evanston Photographer

I am truly enjoying the spring… and my puppy Rollo is too! Lazy sunsets hanging out in the backyard, surprises every day, checking on the garden, watching what blooms…

Pet Portrait: Ozzie | Evanston Photographer

This morning I spent some time photographing Ozzie, a thoughtful pup.  

Pet Portrait: Rollo | Evanston Photographer

This is our new pal Rollo, a handsome little gent.

Portrait: In Memory of Jenna | Evanston Photographer

This post is in memory of Jenna, beloved pet of my in-laws. I captured her in her favorite spot, watching the goings-on of the neighborhood day in and day out from her perch… Continue reading

Pet Portrait: Jenna

This is Jenna. She just celebrated her 12th birthday.  Jenna loves to keep watch at this particular window, every single afternoon.